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  • bobofraggles

The Community Modern League

Hello everyone, my name is BoBoFraggles and I am the creator and founder of the Community Modern League (MTGCML) and the Magic Online Society (MOS). The purpose of this article today is to talk a little about what the MTGCML is, how we run events and our Magic Online Society Discord community.

What is it?

With that being said, the MTGCML is a Private Run Event held on MTGO by using This play at your own pace, 5 match league runs for 14 days. In order to participate you will need a account, a legal MTGO deck and a Discord account. You can play anywhere from 1 to 5 matches, with prizes being awarded based on final standings. What is the cost?

The best thing about these events, is that they are 100% free to the player to participate, your only requirement to entry is to have a legal Modern deck on MTGO and an account on MTGMelee, although we do ask that you join our Discord community so that we can more easily communicate with each other during the event.

Are there prizes?

The answer to this question is yes! We offer prizes to the competitors who come in the top 4 of the event, and we offer a door prize to someone who enters the event, completes all the swiss rounds and does not come in the top 4. Our prize structure is broken down like this:

1st place – 3 Event Tickets 2nd place – 2 Event Tickets 3rd place –1 Event Ticket 4th place – 1 Event Ticket 5th-8th - Secret Lair Promo Cards from pool (if we go above 16 players)

Door prize – someone who completes swiss rounds, not in top 4 - 1 pack of Modern legal set on MTGO

The weekly winner of each CML event will also have their decklist published to our Hall of Fame Channel within the Discord server

We want to encourage that playing in these events leads to more playing in the future! Prizes are subject to change; we will notify the discord community and our participants if these prizes are ever to change in the future!

It is called Magic: THE GATHERING!

Our community of players is what makes these events so special and I want to welcome you to come and join us! Regardless of your skill as a Modern player, I trust you will find the community warm and welcome. We encourage a positive atmosphere.

So from all of us at the MTGCML and the Moderators of the discord, we want to thank you for taking the time to read this article, we will be posting more in the future!

Viva La Modern!


Follow us on Twitter - @MTGOModern / @MOSMTG Discord Invite link:


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