At the Magic Online Society, our mission is to be a Digital Local Game Store, except that everything is free. Our goal is to bring players of Digital Magic an outlet to have a magic outlet in the digital space, while maintaining the atmosphere of a LGS.
We are a community of MTG Players that mainly utilize the Digital space to play our favorite game. This is both in Arena and MTGO (although to be fair, it's primarily MTGO). This community hosts a variety of weekly tournaments of competitive and casual formats as well as monthly leagues that cover a variety of different formats.
The MOS offers a great discord server that is a great way to interact with the community and take advantage of our free MTGO tournaments! We also offer ‘pick up games’ of a variety of formats including Pioneer, Modern, Legacy, Vintage, EDH, Penny Dreadful, Pauper and cube. Our Pinging system within the discord has proven to be a great way to gather people who play formats together to find play test games, casual games and helping build community.
We have already built a great community of 700+ players that are welcoming and ready to help in any way that they can. Please feel free to ask any of the @ Mods within the discord if you have any questions at all! The Magic Online Society offers something unique to the digital Magic space community. One of the biggest faults of Magic Online and Arena is the lack of community that goes along with it. We offer a place for players to get together, hang out, play tests and have weekly fun events. Just like your Local Game Store, but online!
-BoBoFraggles and the team